If you’re a girl struck with wanderlust (like me!), then chances are good that you’ve got a bucket list of places you’d like to see. But maybe you haven’t found the right travel partner yet. Or your girls are always busy. You could decide to keep pushing that trip. Or, you could take the time to shop for the best clothes for your adventure and let your inner child explore!

Why Every Girl Needs to See the World by Herself (At Least Once)

You probably know that going on a trip by yourself can be a bit of a challenge. But here’s what you mightn’t know—it’s nowhere near as scary as you might think! Sure, there are a few destinations you may want to avoid. And there are a couple of traveling tips for women that you’ll probably have to keep in mind. Still, there are several great reasons you should travel solo.

For starters, nothing empowers you to see the world on your own terms more. You keep your own time, see where you want to see, and do what you want to do when you want to do it. What’s more, because you won’t be constantly around familiar faces, you’ll be compelled to meet new people and delve even more deeply into the local culture.

But most of all, you get to break out of that all-too-familiar routine and truly challenge yourself. That’s why, even though I have the best partner in the world and friends who are always down for a road trip, I still make a point of flying solo once in a while.

The Best Solo Travel Destinations for Women in 2024

Now that you know some of the wonders of hitting the road on your own, it’s time to pick the best place(s) to visit. While niche destinations certainly offer lots of wonderful experiences, I always tell my first-time solo traveler friends to stick to the well-trodden path.

My top gateway vacation locations for solo women travelers are:

One – Spain (Madrid and Barcelona)

There aren’t many countries in the world that have the number of visit-worthy locations that Spain does. So, you’re pretty solid wherever you choose to go in the country, but I’ll always be a sucker for Barcelona and/or Madrid. Between these two destinations, you get awesome architecture, stunning beaches, mouthwatering cuisines, and (if you’re a soccer fan), a few great games. Of course, even at late hours, you’ll still feel safe here, so you might even give the bubbling nightlife in these locations a shot!

My Advice: These locations are pretty touristy, so you’ll be seeing a lot of crowds. If you’d rather avoid that, you could plan your trip for January or February. Not only will there be fewer tourists, but you’ll also get milder weather and a more budget-friendly trip too!

Two – Italy (Florence and Rome)

Italy is another country you could spend years exploring and still not get enough of! But of course, your solo vacay (especially if it’s your first) will likely be short. So, you should give Rome or Florence a shot first. Both these locations have world-famous museums, amazing wineries, and a vibrant culture. Plus, there are lots of great group tours you could join, so you’ll have lots of opportunities to make new friends.

My Advice: As crazy as it may seem, the wonders of this place can get pretty overwhelming and make you over-indulge. I find that grounding myself in a physical and mental wellness routine at such times helps me get more out of my trip without losing myself.

Three – Iceland (Akureyri and Reykjavik)

Sitting firmly at the top of the Global Peace Index for 2024, Iceland is technically the safest travel destination for solo female travelers today. This location offers much more than safety, though, as you get to explore iconic landmarks and a tasteful art museum in Akureyri, while Reykjavik offers a rich history and tons of hot springs and spas. Icelanders are also lovely people, and you’ll certainly feel right at home.

My Advice: Iceland is the perfect place to push your limits as a first-time solo traveler; don’t miss that opportunity. Explore the natural beauty of this region and enjoy yourself to the fullest.

Four – Mexico (Mexico City and San Miguel de Allende)

With a rich history, vibrant culture, and the best of folk art, Mexico will show you a side of the world worth loving. This destination is also famous for its tasty cuisines and friendly locals so it won’t take long for you to immerse yourself in the travel experience here. I especially like the fact that you don’t have to look too far to find something enthralling and enjoyable to do in San Miguel de Allende or Mexico City. The best part is that many of these activities are either free or pretty affordable!

My Advice: Getting around conveniently might be your principal challenge when traveling solo here. An easy way around this is to do research into your transportation options and choose a central accommodation so you’re within walking distance of most of what you want to do.

I can’t speak fondly enough of how liberating traveling solo has been for me. I hope that with this guide, you’ll be able to get a taste of that experience for yourself.